
Showing posts from 2009

Compiling ZynAddSubFX on Ubuntu 9.04

M-Audio / Freebob and Ubuntu 9.10

Creating digital synth sounds using Python

Find all non-binary files in a directory

Save with CTRL-S using VIM and copy/paste with CTRL-C, CTRL-V

Multi-file search and replace one-liner

Centos 5, SELinux, and Bugzilla

KVM on Centos 5

Migrating schema from Oracle 11g Enterprise to 10g Express Edition

Netbeans and Make

Generating HTML color syntax highlighting from PRE tag

Common git operations

Ignite Tulsa

Verified By Visa

cx_Oracle on Ubuntu 9.04 64 bit

Startup Lessons #3 - What will it take to feed the founders?

Correcting VIM indention, Python

Revisiting Pyshards

Startup Lessons #2 - It takes a customer

Startup Lessons #1 - The Valley of Death

A List


Django templating

Android Pt. 3: Photo uploading