Creating digital synth sounds using Python

I used to really be into electronic music. I had a bunch of keyboards, synths and digital samplers and I would use them, along with a computer, to compose techno compositions. In fact, I took up c++ programming in the 90's with the intention of building a drum sequencer for Windows. Well that project didn't get finished and I got sidetracked writing code for corporations; after all you have to pay the bills first and find time to play around later.

Now seems like a good time to resume play.

Since Python is my language of choice these days, I thought I'd see what's out there by way of using the language to generate digital sounds. I found a wave generation library and a few sample snippets on the web, including code which can be used to produce a simple sine wave. I've been sampling since the 80's using Roland, Ensoniq and EMU samplers, and I have a pretty good understanding of the basics. But it turns out I had more to learn at the lowest level. Consider the following snippet of code, which can be used to generate a 90 Hz tone.

import wave, random, math, numpy

noise_output ='tone.wav', 'w')
noise_output.setparams((2, 2, 44100, 0, 'NONE', 'not compressed'))

# num of seconds
duration = 4

# Hz per second
samplerate = 44100

# total number of samples
samples = duration * samplerate

# pulse per second
frequency = 90 # Hz

The time of one sample is the inverse of the sample rate, and the period is the inverse of the frequency, so the number of samples is also the sample rate divided by the frequency.
period = samplerate / float(frequency) # in sample points

This is the phase increment.
omega = numpy.pi * .2 / period

Creates the x-axis set with 'period' number of items. numpy.arange(int(period), dtype = numpy.float) produces {0..146}, but since each value is a factor of omega, the transformed set is in the range {0..0.627}.
xaxis = numpy.arange(int(period), dtype = numpy.float) * omega

This snippet calculates the sin for each value in xaxis and multiplies that value with 16384. Here we're creating the y-axis data.
ydata = 16384 * numpy.sin(xaxis)

If we were to graph the sets now, we would see an inclining sin wave. Resize creates an extended array which repeats the ydata chunk, the result being something that looks a bit more like a saw wave than a sin wave due to the omega calculation.
signal = numpy.resize(ydata, (samples,))

for i in signal:
packed_value = wave.struct.pack('h', i)



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