M-Audio / Freebob and Ubuntu 9.10
In setting up a new Ubuntu 9.10 install with ubuntustudio, I had to do a few manual things. There is an UbuntuStudio distribution, but I typically opt to install what I need later, which is generally just the awesome audio stuff. If you go this route and want to use jack, be sure to also install the real time kernel.
I use a M-Audio FiewWire Solo audio card and have used the freebob driver with success in the past. I was happy to see that it is installed by default now with qjackctl. But when I started jack initially I got errors suggesting the driver was not loaded. I had to install the driver and change permissions before I jack would start up.
Chmod was transient however, and after rebooting /dev/raw1394 didn't have the correct permissions. I added a file called 40-permissions.rules and gave the audio group permission to access the device. I failed to mention earlier that I also had to add my personal user to the "audio" group before getting jack to start up.
So I was done right? No. After reboot I still didn't have permission to access the firewire device. ls told me why.
I guess by default /dev/raw1394 belongs to the video group. Well my user doesn't, and I'm not using firewire for video, so I switched it to belong to audio.
After another reboot, all is well. I'm wondering if I should have just left the group as "video" and added my user to the video group plus changing my udev rule (to use video instead of audio). I suspect there is no single right answer, but if you have any insights, please leave a comment. Thanks!
sudo apt-get install ubuntustudio-audio
sudo apt-get install linux-rt
I use a M-Audio FiewWire Solo audio card and have used the freebob driver with success in the past. I was happy to see that it is installed by default now with qjackctl. But when I started jack initially I got errors suggesting the driver was not loaded. I had to install the driver and change permissions before I jack would start up.
sudo modprobe raw1397
sudo chmod a+rw /dev/raw1394
Chmod was transient however, and after rebooting /dev/raw1394 didn't have the correct permissions. I added a file called 40-permissions.rules and gave the audio group permission to access the device. I failed to mention earlier that I also had to add my personal user to the "audio" group before getting jack to start up.
sudo vim /etc/udev/rules.d/40-permissions.rules
# EEE1394 (firewire) devices
KERNEL=="raw1394", GROUP="audio"
So I was done right? No. After reboot I still didn't have permission to access the firewire device. ls told me why.
ls -altr /dev/raw1394
crw-rw---- 1 root video 171, 0 2009-12-24 19:55 /dev/raw1394
I guess by default /dev/raw1394 belongs to the video group. Well my user doesn't, and I'm not using firewire for video, so I switched it to belong to audio.
dextron@dextron:~$ sudo chgrp audio /dev/raw1394
ls -altr /dev/raw1394
crw-rw---- 1 root audio 171, 0 2009-12-24 19:55 /dev/raw1394
After another reboot, all is well. I'm wondering if I should have just left the group as "video" and added my user to the video group plus changing my udev rule (to use video instead of audio). I suspect there is no single right answer, but if you have any insights, please leave a comment. Thanks!