
Showing posts from 2010

Thank God for Tripper McCarthy

RedHat Enterprise 5 and Python

Shrink PDF file on linux (command line)

Convert 32 to 16 bit WAV (Linux) recipe

cx_Oracle and out cursor

OpenGL Intellivision Man

Cross-compile ActiveMQ-cpp on Centos 5


Going really 8-bit

Animated gif to video

Logitech webcam issues with Ubuntu 10.04 LTS

New RSS feed

Allow Sendmail on Centos to accept connections on port 25

A little something I need to remember...

Shrink PDF linux (command line)

Just for fun

Inversion of Control pattern

Modes matter for password-less login

Tulsa Developers tied to vendor technology

Switch Primary Monitor in Ubuntu 10.4

mod_security setup on Centos 5.4

Trouble using sockets in Django view

git merge

Automounting removable eSata drive on Centos 5.4


mod_mono, Centos 5 64 bit, and SELinux Part 2

mod_mono, Centos 5 64 bit, and SELinux

ISO 9797 algorithm 3

Finding hidden characters in file using Vim

Apache, mod_wsgi, Django, SELinux