Job search fun!

I've decided to make a transition. New opportunity, here I come!

Looking for a new gig is always a lot of hard work. One must find the right fit: good people, exciting technology, and room for growth. I've talked to one prospective employer already and was asked, "What would be your ideal job if you could have anything you dream of, the perfect environment?"

It's a tough question. As a technologist, I'm probably at the top of my game. With 14 years of software development, I've dappled in just about everything. I don't encounter new technologies or languages often for which I've not already built products. Because of this, I tend to stay in the trenches---doing hands on technical work.

I'm 42. At my age, some get out of the trenches and into management. I'm afraid I would be bored silly if my primary work tool was Microsoft Project. That said, I am a people person, and often find myself wishing for more socialization when working with other developers, as so often they are introverts.

I like building new products versus extending the work others did before me. Who wouldn't? So often you inherit a bug infested mess. Building systems from scratch is fun for me.

I love brainstorming and sharing ideas. I'm a dreamer and I always have been, and this tends to work for me in the creativity department.

I love open source projects and all things Linux. This doesn't always work to my benefit in the Tulsa market where many mid-sized corporations go with Microsoft solutions. Perhaps I ought to go after these markets, selling CTO's on the joy of open source and living in a license free world. For a fraction of what companies pay for licensing fees I could switch them over to free solutions. That's a gift that would keep on giving. Many mid-sized corporations would be well served ditching Oracle, for example, as the scalability and reliability of open source alternatives is easily demonstrable. And what about the hundreds of thousands they spend on DBA's? Database administration doesn't have to be this hard, folks.

I'm no closer now than when I started writing this blog entry to knowing what my ideal job would be. But at least the creative juices are flowing. :)


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